
Stroboscopy (1)



Endoscopy Light Source for Laryngeal Stroboscopy

Ear, Nose, Throat

The StrobeLED endoscopy light source from Olympus enables an incredibly precise and noise free examination and diagnosis of voice disorders during ENT procedures such as laryngeal stroboscopy. The combination of a reliable algorithm for vocal cord stroboscopy and the latest LED technology inside the light source results in excellent image quality and consistency.

  • Excellent Stroboscopy Algorithm
    No flickering in video, no blackouts.
  • Great Illumination
    In permanent and stroboscopy mode.
  • Adjustable Duty Cycle
    Choice between more resolution or more brightness depending on the application.
  • Noise Free
    No side tone distraction during examination.
    Low energy consumption (<55 W).
    Low lifetime costs and environmentally friendly compared to conventional lamps.
  • Microphone Options
    Choice between air and throat microphones.
    Right solution for every diagnostic situation.

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